Intentional: The Word of the Year

This may sound cheesy, ok it definitely sounds cheesy, but I like to pick a word or a phrase each year to help remind me of my goals. This is a quick practice to re-center my thoughts, focus, attention on what really matters the most me in that particular season of life.

If you’ve been reading my content for more than a few months, you know that in 2023 my phrase, stolen from a good friend of mine, was “WORK HARD. TRUST GOD.” While I have carried that mantra into 2024, the real theme of all of my goals this year is intentionality, thus my word of the year is INTENTIONAL.

It’s interesting to note, too, that many friends and family in my inner circle have echoed similar themes in their lives right now. Whether it be the “middle” of life we find ourselves in or the lingering reminder from the pandemic of how quickly it can all go away, this theme of being INTENTIONAL seems more fitting than ever for all of us.

For me, my goals this year center around being more intentional with my family, my community of friends, my spirituality, my career, and my hobbies. All of these things are important to me and I don’t want to waste a moment of their existence in my life.

So my simple question to you is, what are you being intentional about this year? This month? This week? This day? There is only one of today and there will never be another day like the day you are reading this, so what will you do with it?

Be intentional about your steps, your words, your love, and you will reap bountiful rewards in due time.


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