The Calm Before The Storm

Each of us has moments, or seasons throughout the year that have a natural respite to them. In my coaching, I walk creatives through a 12-month planning in which we identify these precious times so that we can anticipate their arrival and capitalize on them for the overall good and growth of their endeavors.

I refer to this as, “the calm before the storm". The storm refers to the times of sheer chaos: project overload, miscommunication, and oversights. The average percentage of stormy weather for most creatives is about nine months out of the year. In the three months of calm, we can often be misled as if we have conquered the storm, but those more experienced know this is a farce, that the storm is only in a holding pattern until it returns its wrath once more with a vengeance.

So it behooves us as creative pros to use these seasons of calmness to get ahead of, and possibly avoid altogether, the impending storms’ return. The calm before the storm is best used to:

  • Rest. This sounds counterproductive to what I’m suggesting, but sometimes the most productive thing you can do is take some INTENTIONAL rest.

  • Create margin. Use this time to get ahead of the storm. Don’t let up so quickly. You’ll be grateful for the margin in the midst of the storm.

  • Re-center your focus. Maybe you’ve gotten off track over the past few months. Use this time to recommit to the vision before you, and seeing it come to full fruition.

  • Prioritize the urgent and important.

  • Game plan for what you know is coming. Most of us aren’t surprised by the storm, we saw it coming miles away, yet we often take no precautionary measures for its’ arrival. So take a moment and make a plan for what you will do when it comes roaring in.

  • Delegate before it’s too late. Don’t wait until the project is upon you to delegate and communicate expectations. Do it now.

The calm before the storm is a blessing. Don’t let it shut you down and cower in fear. Use it to your advantage.


Future You


Intentional: The Word of the Year