Top 10 Tools for Creatives
I love a good top 10 list, don’t you? I thought it would be fun to spend a few weeks listing out some Top 10 Resources for you in the area of the Creative Process. Since I am a nerd for any new tools to enhance my creative process, here’s a top 10 list of tools for every creative:
Creative Fuel Days. This is number one for a reason. You can’t pour out creativity you don’t have. Fill up regularly with a day out of the office with an intentional agenda to refill your creative tank.
Brain Dumping. Let’s face it, there’s a lot on your mind at all times. Taking a regular brain dump helps clear the clutter and put things in their proper place before they get lost in your cranium.
Rest. If you’re running on empty, you won’t create your best art. Learn how to rest and make it a weekly habit.
ReMarkable. I drank the Koolaide a year ago and bought a ReMarkable tablet. I love that it doesn’t have internet or apps or email or messaging, It’s just a multipurpose notebook. I have folders for each of my clients and one for my personal life, and it’s where I write my morning pages, which brings me to my next item on the list…
Morning Pages. This concept is introduced by Julia Cameron in “The Artists’ Way” where you begin each day writing 3 pages of free-hand flowing from your thoughts. It doesn’t have to make sense or be cohesive, it’s not for reading, it’s just for releasing and awakening your brain. I highly recommend it.
Exercise. This is another one about half of us don’t like and the other absolutely LOVE. If you hate it, just know that accelerated heart rate has been scientifically proven to fire off neurons more actively in your brain. Some of my best ideas come while I’m exercising.
Water. I equate the appropriate water drinking level recommended for me each day as “taking my medicine.” Like it or not, water does fuel your body and keep you creating. I use the Water Llama app to keep track of my daily water intake.
Coffee. I know this has been on a few of these lists already, but come on, what do you expect?!
Collaboration. Nothing breeds creativity like other creatives working together. Don’t be a lone wolf, get out there and collaborate.
Travel. Speaking of getting out there, travel is an “easy” way to broaden your perspective. When we get out of our regular community and visit others, we begin to see things differently and are exposed to some fresh ideas all around us.