The Year-End Creative Reset: Set Yourself Up for a Brilliant 2025

If you’ve been around the block a time or two you probably know the easy “go-to” answer from any IT assistant when your laptop freezes up. Say it with me,

“Turn it off and turn it back on.”

We inevitably slapped our foreheads in disgust as the obvious answer was in front of us through all the tantrums we had before this seemingly simple fix. As we finish a year we naturally get reflective, but what about a good hard reset before the next one rolls around? Perhaps we need a hard reset to sustain us for the next 12 months.

  1. Unplug from your digital devices, complete with notifications, BUT keep a notebook nearby at all times. Just because you have “turned it off” doesn’t mean the ideas and possible solutions to long-term problems won’t present themselves magically. In fact, I’d argue they are more likely to turn up as you turn off. (i.e: why I get the best ideas in the shower.) This keeps your ideas flowing without you being screen-burnt (I just made up that term, don’t look it up).

  2. Schedule a goal-setting day for 2025. Begin by asking yourself, “At this time next year, what do I want to celebrate?”. Block a whole day for this exercise. Use a great tool like Michael Hyatt’s Best Year Ever.

  3. Clean up. Organize your creative spaces (physical and digital). You’ll be amazed how much a fresh, clean space will reinvigorate you to create your best work. Your mind won’t be instantly retreated due to the clutter it’s facing.

A refreshed, actionable roadmap for stepping into 2025 with purpose and clarity can change the legacy of your work for many years to come.

If you need someone to walk through this with you, consider adding me as a coach or consultant. Book a free consultation with me here.


The Art of Finishing: Overcoming Creative Paralysis


Creative Sprints: A Two-Week Plan to Accomplish Year-End Goals