Are The Most Creative People Just Lucky?

You sit in your creative space, put the finishing touches on a masterpiece, and open up Instagram for a well-deserved mental break. A few scrolls later, you notice that the creative genius you've followed and looked up to for years has just released yet another award-winning piece that makes your work look like child's play. How do they do it? Are they really that lucky?

I have a confession to make. I’m a jealous creative.

Comparison is the enemy of creativity.

Even this morning I was writing about it in my morning pages.

My friend Blake then texted me, today, a note about a comparison that rang so true. With his permission, I share that note with you now:

3 ways to combat the comparison battle:

1 - Remember how far you've come. You are not the same today that you were even a year ago and thank God for that.

2 - Be where your feet are. “How you live is truly a choice. What you’re going to do and who you are going to do it with, are choices only you can make. That was my “aha” moment.” (from “Be Where Your Feet Are” by Scott O’Neal)

3 - Trust the end result will be all it needs to be, and probably more. Don’t write the end of the story before it happens.

Live and work in the confidence that today, you are exactly where YOU need to be on your creative journey.


Work Hard, Trust God


How’s Your Year Been?