Fractional Help

There’s a buzzphrase in the business world that’s been circulating since the pandemic. Businesses began to realize, when they had to make harsh cuts to save their business from ultimate failure, that they could trim some fat and still have a great team, with a great product, and a thriving process, without all the headache and financial strain of full time, salaried employees, especially at the executive level.

If you’ve ever served at the executive level of any organization and you had a moment of honesty with yourself while there, you most likely got the question, “Am I needed around here?” The answer is obvious, YES, but you may not have been as necessary at the capacity in which you were being compensated. Drug around from meeting to meeting, putting out endless fires just to come home exhausted, have your phone still ringing with more problems,… it goes on and on, with no end.

But what if there was a way to eliminate most of the nonsensical headaches that come with the executive title while also broadening your impact to not just your company, but several others at the same time?

Enter Fractional Chief-Level Officers. Rather than paying a C-Suite executive six figures and taking up sometimes unnecessary room in the budget, businesses have learned to trim the fat and hire Fractional contractors to take on these roles. They often receive in return the same, if not greater, quality work at a, wait for it, “fraction” of the price of a full-time employee.

This is great for creative operations people like me who love to come in just enough to clean up the mess, re-organize, and watch the stress fall off the owners while they scale their business like never before.

In late 2023 I realized I had this gift to be this person for creative agencies, solo-prenuers, and small business owners. It started by helping a friend of mine in his creative agency he had started a few years back. After being hired to do some editing work for him, I quickly realized the unorganized chaos I just got myself into. I made a joke that he needed to hire me as his project manager. He didn’t laugh. Instead, he called me back an hour later and made me an offer to help bring all of my systems and processes into his business, run his weekly meetings, join his project kickoff meetings, etc, for a few hours a week at a fraction of what he would have to pay a full-time employee.

Shortly after onboarding with him, I felt a fire like I hadn’t in a long time. I knew I could build a business doing this sort of work because I had herded creative tigers most of my adult life. My friend soon told me while we were on a call,

“Dustin, you helped me take the chaos of juggling multiple clients and streamlined it into a step-by-step process that I can understand and manage. In a short amount of time, I have gone from feeling run by my business to effectively running my business.”

If you are a solo creative or creative agency looking to level up, I’d love to work with you for a fraction of the price of what you would pay a full-time employee. Hop on my calendar here and let’s chat soon!


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The Lost Art of Completing